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Terra Dignitas

Kiev, Ukraina

2015. International Open Competition



Terra Dignitas 'Commemorating the Revolution of Dignity and memory of the Heavenly Hundreds Heroes'

The center of Kiev has historically been a theater of civil life in which confrontations and struggles happened, a place of memory, which must remain a living part of the city while retaining all its layers

The city is not a page that can be deleted and rewritten at each revolution. The memorial has therefore to become a new layer in the history of Kiev, in addition to the existing ones. 

Instytutska will be an urban forest. A memorial made of natural elements that will arouse universally in people an image of serenity and energetic freshness. Each tree will claim an idea of identity and therefore of dignity. The interaction of the people with the forest will generate an active relation between space and society. People will be called upon to interact with the environment, living and caring about this urban forest, and this will mean take care of the memory of the events. The experience of walking through the memorial with its wounds, its nodes, and all the tree canopies will be a way to remember and Instytutska Street will become a universal memorial for the winners, living and martyrs.


La città non è un canovaccio che ad ogni rivoluzione può essere azzerato e riscritto. Il memoriale deve quindi divenire un nuovo strato nella storia di Kiev, che si va ad aggiungere ai preesistenti. 

Instytutska Street diventa una foresta, un memoriale vivo e diffuso del presente, in continuo mutare, in rapporto con le persone che lo animano.

Ogni albero, diverso per natura dall'altro, diviene simbolo di un'identità e quindi di dignità L’interazione delle persone genererà uno scambio attivo tra spazio e società. Le persone saranno chiamate ad interagire con l'ambiente prendendosene cura e vivendo questa foresta urbana, ciò significherà prendersi cura della memoria degli eventi. L’esperienza di passeggiare attraverso il memoriale con le sue ferite, i suoi nodi, e al cospetto della chioma degli alberi costituirà un atto per ricordare vincitori, vivi e  martiri.

Team: Arch. Bianca Barducci, Arch. Matia Biguzzi, Arch. Elisabetta Gabrielli (Manofactory), Arch. Andrea Matteini, Intern: Fabio Re.

Maidan Square, Kyiv - Outdoors exhibition of  TERRA DIGNITAS  

The Memory Stratigraphies

The layering of tree rings can be compared to the historical stratifying of a territory, of people, and may suggest an attitude toward the past. Like the rings of a tree trunk, no layer of the history of a society must be eliminated

Excavations in the pavement are discontinuities representing the break created by the Revolution of Dignity in the obvious historical continuity. The wounds are there to remind losses and they intensify where many heroes lost their lives.

The trace of the memory spreads in the urban space as the grain of a tree trunk, it becomes a landmark, a widespread memorial mimetic but still visible.

Instytuska Street plan

The pavement of Instytutska Street was dismantled during the Revolution, on this ground the Heavenly Hundred Heroes lost their lives; this pavement becomes the new layer of memory on which the memorial has its main development. Veins of steel creep in between the stones and slide along the way as a flow that spreads in central Kiev. 

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