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Cambodian Sustainable Housing 


2013. Competition, short-listed project.


Cambodian SustainAbility: housing by us for us

It was necessary to identify a programmatic method that would allow us to achieve one housing concept, preserving a strong adaptability to different sites and families needs. The cambodian house is traditionally a place where inhabitants live and work. We tried to work out a simple but strong idea of the house unit. The house has to support its inhabitants toward a well-balanced relationship with the environment, through a closed energy cycle. We studied low-tech devices that can also work in different contexts. Leaving undefined inner spaces activates the inhabitant’s customizations process. The house is a life tool, the environment is the infrascape that supports the daily life and, in a bigger scale, a background for social opportunities. The house is self sufficient compared to the net system; bricks, that lift up the house the from the groud, and metal, used for roofing and for water collection system, are the only industrial material . The rest of the house is made with poor local materials, workable with a self-construction process.


Il bando richiedeva di concepire un abitazione sostenibile per il futuro del popolo cambogiano, mantenendo il costo complessivo sotto i 2000$. E’ stato indispensabile definire un programma metodologico che ci consentisse di definire un concetto di casa preservando una forte adattabilità a diversi contesti e differenti esigenze famigliari. Le abitazioni cambogiane sono tradizionalmente spazi di vita e lavoro, abbiamo quindi mantenuto questa idea legandola ad un equilibrato bilancio con l’ambiente. I devices (raccolta e potabilizzazione acqua - cucina pirolitica - compost toilet - scala - lavaggio) funzionano autonomamente anche svincolati dalla casa. Gli unici materiali industriali sono il basamento in mattoni industriali che sollevato da terra consente la vita al piano terreno anche nelle stagioni delle pioggie, e la copertura in metallo per la raccolta dell’acqua piovana. La struttura in bamboo e i blocchi in terra pressata rendono il resto dell’abitazione auto costruibile in ogni contesto e personalizzabile dagli abitanti.

Team: Arch. Bianca Barducci, Arch. Laura Bernardini, Arch. Andrea Matteini, Arch. Matia Biguzzi, Eng. Daniele Guiducci, Eng. Enrico Mencaroni.

Graphic design: Leila Sadegholvaad.

The Future of Sustainable Housing in Cambodia Exhibition, Meta House, Phnom Penh
Image by Building Trust International, May 2013
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